How to Choose The Perfect Leather Pt.2

Okay mega people, previously we discussed How to choose the perfect leather in this article. It doesn’t just stop there, there are also some points that you should know. Listen below!

Where was it made?

Challenge : No standards are followed in production in the home country.

The place of origin can affect the quality of the skin. and we all know that leather from Europe is considered the best. If it is made in Asian countries like India, some people might consider it to be of low quality. But what many people don’t know is that Leather from Asian countries makes up a large percentage of the leather goods available in the world. surprising isn’t it?

How are the stitches on it?

Challenge: Inferior work and substandard hardware used.

Poor quality leather products will not have good stitching quality. They will be sewn with thin threads. If the product you have is neatly sewn with good quality top thread, that is one of the things that are profitable.

Does it smell weird?

Challenge : Bad smell or chemical smell left behind.

If your skin has an unpleasant odor, such as the smell of chemicals, this is a common bad smell. It can smell bad in other ways too. This indicates the low quality of the material.

How much does the skin cost?

Challenge: Buying too low a price for good quality leather.

If you buy leather as a material, it will be priced in square feet. If something is priced at a discount or a very low price, you can doubt that it is genuine leather. This may be faux leather made of vinyl or bonded leather made from scrap leather. Genuine leather was expensive and there was no way a craftsman would lower the price and sell it at a discount.

Usually, the price of a leather product indicates its quality, just like any other product. But that’s not the only indicator, of course. Careful analysis of the factors given above is a must not an option when buying leather products.

Here are some points of precautions that must be taken when buying leather:
  • Make sure the leather doesn’t have blemishes like scratches and insect bites, hump holes, etc. Natural skin definitely has this subtly. But you don’t want it to stand out too much on your skin.
  • Make sure the skin feels supple when you touch it and is not brittle or hard.
  • Make sure the skin smells good. Good natural smell is high quality leather. The smell of plastic is a sign of poor quality leather.
  • You must know the frequency of use and the type of skin to be worn.

Even connoisseurs are tricked into buying low-quality leather, so being extra vigilant while buying leather is a must. This treatment is necessary to get good leather that will last a long time and is worth the money you spend on it, but it doesn’t guarantee anything as you can see.