After discussing the things that must be done in storing leather bags, it’s good for us to discuss the things that must be avoided, right? This is in order to avoid mistakes that we usually make. Of course, certain habits can take away the positive effects of proper storage and regular cleaning. These habits are easy to spot and break, but still worth mentioning. Not every storage area (or method) will protect your leather bag. Find out how you should store your handbag to protect it from damage.

Avoid over-cleaning your bag
Don’t clean your bag everyday

The build-up of soap or detergent compounds, which occurs with frequent cleaning, can actually accelerate skin breakdown. So don’t clean your bag every day or to often!

Avoid placing your bag on concrete

Concrete floors encourage and facilitate mold-like growth. Keep your leather bag away from the concrete to prevent mold growth and the general “disgusting” feeling that comes with knowing that concrete may contain germs!

Avoid using your bag in bad weather

Certain leather types may have some degree of weather resistance, but most leather types are prone to water damage. Therefore, you should keep it at home on rainy or snowy days.

The skin is tough yet smooth

Exposure to certain elements or the environment can make it weak and unsightly. You can store it anywhere, as long as it has the right level of humidity, lighting (low light) and temperature (ideally cool). Also make sure to keep it clean regularly (but not too regularly) and away from bad weather and surfaces that could damage it.

If you follow this practice, you are sure to have a leather bag that will last you a lifetime. Megatama Group provides high-quality bags, because we use high-class materials.

Want to make a leather handbag? Contact us for design consultation and production as soon as possible!